
Friday, February 20, 2015

Compassion Creates Community

Image Credit: Lily's Creations
The dirty, wild, curses-like-a-sailor-child you look at daily and see only positive qualities in: curiosity, intelligence, energy, desire.

The single mother of three children whom you see as you order breakfast from her at the restaurant in the morning and pay her for your gas at the station on your way home in the evening.

The man you grew up with who won’t even make eye contact with you in the grocery store since he mysteriously stopped coming to church.

The elderly shut-in woman who went out of her way to not only cut you with her words, but spewed her venom loud enough that a crowded room heard it all has recently became a widow.


You see them, too. Don’t you?

Surely I’m not the only one surrounded by people matching not only the above descriptions, but so many more. Hurting people. Broken people. Struggling people. Prideful people. Angry people. Neglected people.

People crying out in the most reclusive or rejective ways for help.


Many people seem to respond to their behavior rather than their pleas for help.

But I look at these people, truly look at them, and try to see the world, myself, as it must appear from their perspective.

And I see a reflection of myself, not in what they see, but in they eye I’m looking out of. I have been each of those individuals in one way or another. I have cried out in all the wrong ways for help.

All I ever wanted was someone to push back against my boundaries and do something to help me. Something. Anything.

And I wonder, when I hear people tell me not to get involved, to mind my own business. What has happened to the our feet of compassion?

Can we really stand by and watch as our fellow brothers and sisters struggle just to make it through another moment, let alone another day?


What if I carry their groceries out? Am I lifting one small burden of their almost broken back?

What if I drop off one of MY bags of groceries on their front porch with a note of encouragement?

What if I simply look him in the eye, stretch out my hand, and honestly tell him how much I’ve missed talking to him?

What if I volunteer to mentor that child? Pick them up once a week or so just to do something they would like to do. Maybe even offer to wash their clothes while we hang out.

What if I give the zoo family pass I have to the waitress? Will a day out with her kids that has no price tag attached help her create memories?

What if I pick up the shut-in widow for church next Sunday? Can I set down my pride to relieve some of her pain?

I can do any one of those things without sacrificing much time or money. Yet the impact of the gesture would echo around my community.

Compassion freely given or stingily withheld creates the community we are leaving for our children and grandchildren.

We can choose not to get involved and mind our business by doing nothing, or we can choose to get involved and mind our own business by showing compassion to those God places in our path.

View the other #1000Speaks posts on compassion HERE.

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  1. We all want to be SEEN, Validated, Heard!

    Great Post!

    1. You are so correct. So often we get tied up in ourselves wanting those things that we fail to see the others wanting the same things. When I feel myself sinking into a sulk, I find the quickest way to lift myself up is to do for someone else what I want someone to do for me.

      Thank you for the encouragement and for dropping in! Please come by again!

  2. Yes we do need to be heard and recognized in this less 3D social World - beautifully written and i loved the video and song

    1. Donna,

      I'm so glad you took the time to watch the video! I often wonder if anyone does. Were you familiar with the song prior to this post?

      Thank you so much for your encouragement and for stopping in to add your perspective to the conversation. Please drop in again! :)

  3. Hi Carrie :)

    Totally agree that we do need to be HEARD and RECOGNIZED!! Very inspiring post :)

    1. Joan,

      Glad to see you again! We do need to be acknowledged in this world were anonymity seems to be the goal of most. Thank you so much for your encouragement.

      I hope to see you again soon!

  4. You've nailed it. It's easy to reflect compassion; what happens when we create it? It grows.

    Beautiful post.

    1. Eli,

      It only takes a spark, doesn't it? And someone has to be the spark. If we all sit around waiting for someone to do the first right thing, well, we'll be waiting forever.

      I'm so glad you dropped in to add your voice. Please come back again!

    2. Carrie,
      Powerful, both words and song. Touched my heart.
      You are going to be a powerful speaker!
      I'm praying for you, girl!

  5. You made my eyes water...thank you for sharing this perspective....sharing this page! <3

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Thank you so much for taking the time to engage in the conversation! I do read and attempt to respond to each comment. This blog is Christian in nature and any content that is deemed vulgar or grossly inappropriate will be removed at the author's discretion. Please help me maintain a loving environment for all who enter here!